Tuesday, 11 August 2015

ICT will be Nigeria’s next oil, Ukpong says

ICT will be Nigeria’s next oil says Imo Ukpong, CEO, Apace Innovative Solutions says in this article for the Nigeria Technology Forecast 2015 (#NGTF2015) the technology thought leadership annual by Technology Times, offering insights into Top 10 Key Trends that will shape and define the Nigerian technology landscape in 2015 and beyond.
New ICT SMEs, further growing industry contributions to Nigeria’s overall GDP in 2015
Government-backed initiatives and programmes that lower barriers to new ICT startups will result in more investments in local ICT businesses. However, such entrants will grow and get big results with value chain creation. Key policy thrusts like market protection for locally-manufactured IT products, generation of local market for, and increased consumption of local ICT products, services and solutions through government procurement programmes that incentivize special categories of businesses – like Women ICT SMEs – will assist create that value chain.
Enhanced ICT access, improved service quality and sustainable socio-economic development
Sustained government policies, initiatives and programmes – like increased broadband penetration through the open access model, spectrum auctions, gender empowerment, increased investments aimed at extending ICTs to, and building of human capacities in rural communities, etc – will have a significant impact on enhanced access to ICTs, improve service quality and unleash socio-economic benefits to the people – like job creation, poverty reduction, among others.
Security will be a major issue
As e-commerce, e- and m-banking, social media and personal mobile devices usage across government and business platforms proliferate, coupled with lack of relevant cybercrime and infrastructure protection laws; proper education and advanced monitoring techniques, security will surely be a hot button in 2015.
“Nigeria’s ICT sector is reputed to be one of the fastest growing sectors in the world. With the current contribution of 9.58% to the Nigerian GDP, the ICT industry will witness the emergence of local startups that will add significant value to the Nigerian economy in 2015. With sustained government interventions and programmes geared towards creating the enabling environment needed to attract private sector investments, ICT contributions to the overall economy will ultimately surpass the oil revenues, given the sliding oil prices globally.” Imo Ukpong, CEO, Apace Innovative Solutions
Flare Off blake.thornberry via Compfight
ICT Governance and Regulation: Not yet Uhuru!
Whereas government has relied on ICTs to drive transformations over the past 15 years, little can be said of the overall value derived from such huge investments. Ineffective project governance and weak regulation will continually affect government technology acquisition, deployment and management. As government embarks on continuous efforts to harmonize and integrate information silos across government, appropriate policies, standards and guidelines need to be adopted; careful planning, appropriate technologies, proven project methodologies and enterprise-wide implementation approach must be employed in future projects – to institutionalize industry best practices, reduce duplication of efforts and waste, increase inter-operability, efficiency and stem the tide of failed government projects.
ICT Will be The Next Oil
Nigeria’s ICT sector is reputed to be one of the fastest growing sectors in the world. With the current contribution of 9.58% to the Nigerian GDP, the ICT industry will witness the emergence of local startups that will add significant value to the Nigerian economy in 2015. With sustained government interventions and programmes geared towards creating the enabling environment needed to attract private sector investments, ICT contributions to the overall economy will ultimately surpass the oil revenues, given the sliding oil prices globally.
Growth and Development of Local Content
Increased government initiatives aimed at promoting the creation of local content will spur unprecedented development of, access to and sharing of content and knowledge in critical sectors like education, healthcare, agriculture, etc.
Increased Use of ICTs as a Vehicle of Transformation in Government
Nigeria has recorded major successes in using mobile technologies to power agricultural transformation, stem the tide of drug counterfeiting and to deepen financial inclusion programmes. Improved connectivity and mobile technologies therefore present a veritable platform for governments to use ICT as a key enabler for new policies and business process transformations. In 2015, ICT will be increasingly employed to deliver better and more efficient public services and outcomes to citizens and businesses, example land titling and enabling online land-related transactions, etc.
More Connected Nigerians in 2015
Enhancements in infrastructural capacities, affordable access devices, wide use of third platform technologies and innovations in over-the-top (OTT) solutions will deepen access to ICTs in 2015. Available statistics confirm the highest numbers of Facebook users in Sub-Saharan Africa are found in Nigeria. Its popular mobile messaging app (called WhatsApp) and its major innovations in extending service to desktop and also integrating voice capabilities on the platform, will deliver the velocity needed to grow its subscriber base, thereby propelling more connected Nigerians in 2015.
“Available statistics confirm the highest numbers of Facebook users in Sub-Saharan Africa are found in Nigeria. Its popular mobile messaging app (called WhatsApp) and its major innovations in extending service to desktop and also integrating voice capabilities on the platform, will deliver the velocity needed to grow its subscriber base, thereby propelling more connected Nigerians in 2015.” Imo Ukpong, CEO, Apace Innovative Solutions
Connected Nigeria

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